Members of Bannovallum Quilters and Skegness Jolly Quilters held their biennial exhibition of magnificent quilting over the weekend of 19th to 21st June
We had 203 visitors to the show who had travelled from all over Lincolnshire, Nottingham, Leicester, Surrey, Northumberland and America.
Jenny Savage writes –The Quilt Show was a very successful event and my thanks go to everyone who helped to make the week-end go smoothly. I particularly wish to thank the ladies who allowed their quilts to be exhibited, the church stewards who helped with the moving of furniture, those stewarding the ‘competition quilts’ and those ladies of the Fundraising Committee who worked so hard in the kitchen and on the Tombola. Thanks also to the members of both quilt groups who assisted by stewarding their work and who looked after the sales tables.
The sum raised was £1,324.34. Thank you everyone for your support.
Michael Gray writes –Thanks, congratulation and admiration to Jenny and her team of quilters and flower arrangers for the hard work in producing the wonderful show of craft, skill and beauty with which they adorned out church last week-end. Thank you to all those who helped in the kitchen and hall making everyone so welcome.